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Chiropractic care for Mid Back Pain
While mid back pain can be very severe, it is often fairly simple to diagnose and treat. To better understand mid back pain, it’s easiest to divide it into categories of the source of the pain and the quality of the pain. This is to say, a sharp pain in the midback may be much different than a dull mid back pain.
Table of Contents
Sharp pain under the shoulder blade
The most common mid back pain I treat in my office is a sharp or stabbing pain under the shoulder blade. So what is the cause of sharp upper back pain? Most often I find that it is a rib that is jammed up. Each rib has two joints connecting it to the thoracic spine in back. In front, the rib connects directly to the sternum or in the case of lower ribs, to the costal cartilage which then connects to the sternum.
These joints allow the rib cage to expand and raise up and down as we breath. If either of these motions are restricted, the joints become irritated and inflamed causing pain. Sometimes the inflammation spills over onto the intercostal nerve between the two ribs or the nerve is pinched by the ribs. The simple solution to rib pain is to restore movement to the rib joints. This can be done with chiropractic adjusting, however, not all chiropractors check the ribs and adjust them. In my experience, I find more joint dysfunction in the ribs than in the thoracic spine itself.
Another important question to ask is; How do rib joints get jammed up? If there is some kind of trauma, the cause is obvious, but sometimes, they just start hurting. In these cases, the cause is most likely joint dysfunction in other areas of the body. There are very strong muscles that attach to the ribs and mid back from both above and below. These muscles will adapt to misalignment elsewhere in the body to keep us upright. Over time, the tension on the ribs can cause them to lock up. You may get very quick relief from sharp pain under the shoulder blade aka rib pain with a rib adjustment, but often that’s just relieving the symptom. To really solve the problem you need chiropractic care for the whole frame.
Sometimes people worry that this might be a heart attack. Mid back pain is one possible symptom of a heart attack, especially in women if it comes with other symptoms of heart attack such as shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, light headedness, stomach, chest or neck pain. Though usually heart attack related upper back pain is experienced as a dull pain or tightness around the chest and upper back.
Dull pain in the mid back
Most dull mid back pain is experienced as a chronic ache that comes on later in the day. This pain is from stress on the joints of the thoracic spine. Ligaments are made of fibrous tissue that connects one bone to another. They both support the joints and limit joints to their normal range of motion.
Unfortunately, much of what people do these days contributes to poor posture. We are constantly sitting and either slouching to relax or leaning forward to do things. This really pulls on the ligaments on the back of the spine and puts slack into ligaments on the front of the spine. Over time, the back ones get stretched out and the front ones shrink. Now you have a slouch and it’s hard to sit up straight.
Again, the solution is chiropractic adjusting to loosen up those joints. You can help this process with stretching the muscles of your chest, especially the pecs. Using a foam roller to open up the ligaments of the thoracic spine is also very helpful.
Radiating pain from back to the chest or arm
Most people understand that radiating pain is from pinched nerves. The question is which nerves and where are they being pinched. If the pain starts near your spine and wraps around your ribs, an intercostal nerve is being pinched. These are spinal nerves that come off the spinal cord, travel through spaces between the thoracic vertebrae and between each set of ribs.
Unlike the lumbar spine, the thoracic spine rarely has disc herniations. As we get older, pretty much everyone gets some disc degeneration in the thoracic spine. So it’s possible the nerve is being pinched at the spine, but if you are under 60 and have relatively good posture, it’s more likely being pinched by a rib. Again, this can be an easy short term fix, but may need more attention to the overall frame to clear the underlying cause.
If the pain starts just below your neck and goes into your arm, it’s a bit more complicated. In this case, you may have a bulging disc in your neck. This situation responds well to chiropractic adjusting and traction. Nerves from the lower part of your neck and upper thoracic spine also travel through a space between your first rib and your collar bone before traveling down your arm to you hand. A pinch here may be caused by one of several muscles that cross over the nerves or trouble with the first rib or collar bone. This is called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. A combination of chiropractic adjusting, muscle work and stretching can eliminate TOS.
Sometimes people worry that this might be a heart attack. Mid back pain is one possible symptom of a heart attack, especially in women if it comes with other symptoms of heart attack such as shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, light headedness, stomach, chest or neck pain. Usually heart attack related upper back pain is experienced as a dull pain or tightness around the chest and upper back.
Middle back pain red flags
In addition to mid back pain being a possible symptom of a heart attack there are several other conditions possible that would need medical attention. These are much less common than the simple joint dysfunction that responds well to chiropractic care. Some of these conditions can be seen on x-ray such as compression fracture, bone infection, bone or lung cancer or aortic dissection. The pancreas, kidneys and digestive system can also create referred pain to the mid or lower back. Red flags would be sudden, severe pain, dizziness, pain that never goes away, fever, pain that wakes you up at night or weight loss.
Mid back pain Summary
While mid-back pain is less common than lower back pain or neck pain, it can be just as severe. Chronic midback pain can really wear on a person. Fortunately, most mid back pain can be cleared out with a short course of chiropractic treatment. More involved cases will take more time and attention to the overall biomechanics of the body and ongoing maintenance chiropractic care.
If you are currently experiencing mid-back pain with or without radiating pain into your chest or arm and are in San Rafael CA or Marin County feel free to set up a free phone consultation to discuss your case.
First steps to Concussion Recovery
Have Hope
This may be a big ask for you. In the last weeks or months you have suffered. You have tried everything you know to try to heal. You may have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars. You have fought with your own limited capacity to think, plan and execute. You no longer feel you are yourself. You are afraid and you may be losing hope.
Ordering Supplements
As a benefit to my patients, I have set up an online service that you can use to purchase pharmaceutical grade supplements from home. I am currently offering all supplements through this site at 5% off retail price. The site gives an additional 5% off if you subscribe. They also provide free shipping for orders of $50 or more.
You can log on here:
Because some of the supplements are only sold through health care practitioners, you may need a prescription. If so, simply email me and I will set it up.
Can Chiropractic cure Arthritis?

Can you Heal Arthritis
As a chiropractor, a week doesn’t go by without someone asking if Arthritis can heal. Maybe they’ve been to their GP and gotten an x-ray and the report says “degenerative changes” of this joint or that joint. Or maybe they have a sore knee or back and their doctor just declares that they are old and that’s the end of the story!
I am always amazed at the responsive nature of the body. Arthritis starts with joint dysfunction. That means a joint is either not moving well or is out of alignment. This causes inflammation and additional wear and tear on the joint. Over time the smooth cartilage on the joint surfaces gets roughed up. Does it ever sound like you have sand in the joints of your neck? That’s called crepitus and it means your cartilage is getting worn.
Fish Oil on the Brain

Basic Fish
Considering how good fish oil is for the brain, you would think fish would be a lot smarter. Good fish oil is comprised of Omega-3 fatty acids. These are what we call essential fatty acids because the body cannot produce enough for its own needs so we have to either eat foods containing them or supplement.
There are 4 Omega-3s that we need EPA, DHA, DPA and ALA. They have very long names. EPA has gotten a lot of attention because it is very good at reducing systemic inflammation and cardiovascular health. Most of the supplements you find on the shelf of health food stores will be either all EPA or a blend of EPA, DHA, and maybe ALA.
The Single Most Important Thing for Health
What if there was one word, one concept that embodied the most significant quality of health and well-being? What do you think that word would be. Well you know I’m a chiropractor, so you might guess that I would say something related to the nervous system, or maybe the alignment of the spine. Maybe preventing Tech Neck. You would warm, but in my mind the single most important thing for health is…
To Bean or not to Bean – Coffee?
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Why It’s Important to Make Time for Your Nerves
The Power of a Healthy Nervous System
Why is it important to make time for your Nerves? You may come home from work every day completely exhausted.You may spend most of your day taking care of your family with precious little time for yourself. Or you could be a single parent who does it all: makes breakfast, lunch and dinner for everyone, works at a high-pressure job, and rarely has a spare minute to savor anything. Or perhaps you’re an über-busy executive, laser-focused on your business from early morning to late at night, five to seven days a week.
No matter what your situation, if you don’t make time for yourself to see your chiropractor, you’re not being proactive in maintaining good back and neck health. Your nervous system is suffering and you are missing out on having a higher level of energy and vitality.
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How to know if You Have a Concussion and What To Do
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6 Reasons Why Your Head Might Be Hurting
Advice from a Chiropractor
Do you have a series of head pain that just won’t go away and are affecting you at work or while playing sports? Does the pain of migraines stop you in your tracks? Do your sinuses ache? Is stress bothering you? Do you have intermittent dizzy spells?
Don’t you wish there was a way to have someone prevent you from having to yell, “Why does my head hurt?’
In this article, I discuss the types of headaches that my patients have –– and how I resolve their problems with chiropractic care.
High School Sports Injuries and Concussions
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How a Chiropractor Treats a Herniated Disc
Clayton Kershaw. Andrew Bogut. Tony Romo. Tiger Woods. Peyton Manning. What do all of these different athletes have in common? A herniated disc.
They’ve all been in the news over the last few years because of disc herniations in their backs, which can be very painful, even excruciating.
In fact, Clayton Kershaw, the L.A. Dodgers’ pitching ace, was first diagnosed with a disc herniation in his back in June, and was just moved to a 60-day disabled list, meaning he can’t throw, catch or even pick up a baseball until at least late August.
Why Does a Chiropractor Need to Crack My Neck?
In my most recent article, “Does a Chiropractor Need to Crack My Back?”, I discussed the pros and cons of twisting the body to crack your back. It’s not always the best way to relieve pain and pressure on the facet joints connecting each of your 33 vertebrae.
In this article, I’ll move up your spine a bit and discuss the practice of cracking your neck.
High School Football and Concussions
Concussions are an everyday occurrence in a wide range of sports. Many of my patients are sports enthusiasts and it is not uncommon to hear that they have had one or multiple concussions over their lifetimes.
You might have heard about or seen the movie Concussion, where accomplished pathologist, Dr. Bennett Omalu, uncovers the truth about brain damage among Pittsburgh Steelers and other football players who had suffered from repeated head trauma. The truth is, a concussion head injury isn’t limited to professional athletes.
Does a Chiropractor Need to Crack My Back?
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How Can We Stretch When We are Sitting All the Time?
Stretches You Can Do at Your Desk
Going from the bed to the car to the desk to the sofa, many of my patients feel the need to stretch, but just don’t take the time. When you are sitting all day, you need to stretch to avoid the aches and pains that come with a stiff body. You may not have an hour a day to do a stretch or yoga class, but, it’s important to stretch a little bit frequently to really stay flexible. A good stretch begins from a position of good posture. When stretching at your desk, make sure you have your ergonomics set up first to minimize stress on the body. When you are sitting properly, it will be easier to stretch at your desk or even in your car.
5 Myths About Back Pain
“Oh, my aching back!” Why does your back hurt today and not yesterday? Did you pick something up that was too heavy without bending your legs? Did you sleep with your neck off the side of the pillow? Or did you just wake up and your back suddenly hurt? If you were to ask these questions to my patients, you would hear all sorts of answers. It’s amazing how many myths about back pain there are. To help you understand exactly why your back might be hurting, here are the 5 most common myths that I discuss with my patients and the answers you need to know.
Top 5 Causes Why Your Back is Hurting
San Rafael Chiropractor Shares Advice
According to the Arthritis Foundation, an estimated 50 to 80% of American adults will experience back pain. When your back hurts, you want to know the cause so you can do something about it.
But, reasons vary and they are often hard to figure out. We all have 24 vertebrae that can get knocked out of line, strained, twisted, or compressed and that can happen in many different ways leading to pain.
How Do I Avoid Neck and Back Pain from Sitting
5 Proven Techniques from a Chiropractor
Many people realize that their neck or back pain becomes worse after sitting for extended or sometimes even short period of times. In our culture, most of us spend much of our day seated, whether it’s on the drive to work, at a desk in front of a computer , eating and even relaxing on the sofa after a long day. No matter where you are sitting, the same posture and ergonomic concerns apply. The more you are able to apply the following guidelines, the less stress you will have on your spine and the less likely you will be to experience back or neck pain.
How to Strengthen Your Neck
You probably haven’t actively thought about how to strengthen your neck, but you wake up after you “slept funny” and you’ve got a crick. Then that crick turns into a lot of pain in and around your neck that just won’t go away by itself. At this point most people start to wonder if a Chiropractor would be good solution or if this is “just” neck pain they will have to live with. The good news, a chiropractor can help you with neck issues.
Headache Help in San Rafael
Do you have headaches more than a few times a week? Are they tension headaches? Or are they migraines? At Balance Chiropractic, many of my patients seek headache help in San Rafael, because their pain can be caused by a wide variety of problems.
In this article I’ll be discussing how you can be treated with chiropractic techniques and cranial therapies to ease your headache pain. I offer a variety of therapies to analyze and correct most issues that address the needs of headache suffers.
Chiropractic Treatment for Head Issues
What is Causing My Constant Headache?
If you’ve found this page, there’s a good chance that you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from headache. In fact, you may already know that a severe headache is the #1 reason for missing work. So, if you’re one of those folks who’s tired of missing work or loosing quality time with friends and family, because your head throbs or bright lights hurt your eyes, this article is for you.
Chiropractic for Weekend Warriors to full time Athletes
Chiropractic Solutions for Athletes
When you think about it, Marin is like a giant park, with all kinds of wonderful and easily accessible indoor and outdoor activities to keep you fit, trim and in great shape. It’s our own slice of paradise.
Whether you’re a weekend warrior, training for a triathlon, the Dipsea Race or the Double Dipsea (for you masochists out there), it’s fairly common to tweak a muscle or joint.
Chiropractic Treatment for Back and Leg Issues
How Chiropractic Helps Backs Feel Better
“Oh my aching back,” is a phase I’ve heard all too often in my chiropractic office and it’s not surprising as back pain is one of the most common issues I treat. The fact that you found this article tells me that you most likely have some kind of back pain.
In this article, I’ll outline some of the common causes for lower and upper back ailments, then I’ll describe how I treat them.