My Technique
“I Want to Give You the Opportunity to Do All That You Love to Do.”

I am here to help you be your best, feel your best, and do what is most meaningful and rewarding to you. My goal is to help you attain the highest level of health possible in the shortest time possible. Since you are a unique individual, I use a broad spectrum of chiropractic techniques and therapies to personalize your treatment plan to be specific to your needs and goals.
In essence, my treatments give you smooth, fluid movement of joints and muscles and a responsive nervous system that creates a pain-free vibrant physical and mental state. It starts with a comprehensive consultation and exam. We’ll discuss why you’re here, and a history of when and how this issue began.
At your next appointment we will go over the exam findings together and I will give you my recommendations. To empower your health, you need the right therapy at the right time and frequency for your body to heal. I use many different techniques to provide the best possible treatment for each individual patient.
Chiropractic Techniques
I use chiropractic adjustments to restore proper movement and alignment to joints, which removes interference from the nervous system due to joint pressure or inflammation. Of the many techniques I’ve studied, my main therapy is the SacroOccipital Technique (SOT). In fact, I’m the only doctor in the San Francisco Bay Area certified in SOT, and I’m also on the teaching staff of SOTO-USA.
SOT is a specialized, comprehensive, gentle and innovative technique that recognizes the relationship and patterns in the whole body from the feet to the head, back down, and from the inside out. This effective technique promotes optimal healing mechanics for the spine, pelvis, cranium, extremities, nervous system, brain, and muscles.
The philosophy behind SOT is very simple. Every human who has pain or discomfort has a distortion within their body that is putting stress on the nervous system. When you remove that distortion through a process of the right adjustments, at the right time, and the right spots, you release the healing energy of the nervous system. That’s probably why chiropractors who practice the SOT chiropractic techniques are most often those whom other chiropractors use themselves.
Cranial Therapies
I am also the only chiropractor in the Bay Area who is a certified SOT Craniopath. Just as spinal health impacts the health of the spinal cord and all the nerves branching out from there, the skull has a huge impact on the health of the brain. Craniopathy is very helpful for patients who suffer from headaches, TMJ issues, concussion, and balance or sinus issues. Patients generally lie down on the treatment table and relax during the whole visit. Many of them actually fall asleep as they are being treated. Depending on the specific needs of an individual patient, I use a variety of techniques and therapies to enhance the flow of fluid around the brain, which is critical for nervous system health.
- SOT Craniopathy, which ranges from very subtle to more directed shifting of the skull joints, including specific TMJ protocols
- Upledger CanioSacral Therapy, where I apply gentle, light touches to your skull, face, spine and pelvis.
- Osteopath tradition, consisting of very gentle and subtle manipulations that affect the dura, a thin tissue that goes through and around the brain and spinal cord.
Nerve Mobilization
Nerves can be pinched by joints, but they can also be pinned down in the arms or legs by muscles, scar tissue, or fascia. This can lead to chronic nerve inflammation and symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness, or an odd sense of pulling with certain movements. I use nerve mobilization therapy to free up the nerves from surrounding tissue, allowing them to glide smoothly within the body, restoring function and well being. Nerve mobilization is not generally used by chiropractors. I learned this method from a massage therapist who taught Rolfing. For that reason, very few chiropractors use this modality, but it blends very well with other chiropractic techniques when treating nerve pain in an arm or leg.
Head Injury Treatment
Concussion and mild Traumatic Brain Injury require Chiropractic Adjusting and Cranial Therapy as well as specific nutritional support and lifestyle guidance. To determine your needs additional intake information and exams are required. Please let us know when you are scheduling your first visit that you are seeking treatment for post-concussion syndrome and we will email you additional forms to fill in at your convenience before you arrive. Dr. Smith looks forward to serving you.